Friday, March 21, 2014

Reasons why Gujju men are annoying

This post title does not have the number of reasons why Gujju men are annoying.  Mostly because as I start to write I don't have a definite number.  But then I didn't want to limit myself to a particular number either.  And then there is this OCD I have where I have to have an even numbered list, or maybe in multiples of 5.  (Precisely the reason BuzzFeed posts drive me up the wall at times)

Anyhoo.  As usual, I digress.

So, why am I so harsh on my brethren? Well, because they are annoying.  Of course, I'm sure not all Gujju men are like that and also a lot of non-Gujju men are equally annoying if not more.  But then, this is my blog and I write what I feel like.

Also because most men I've known till now have been Gujju, including family and friends, and trust me, I cannot believe how incredibly stupid, lame, insensitive, selfish and boring they all have been.

So, this is basically just a list of things I find annoying in the men I'm surrounded by.  Don't burn my effigies.

* They lack sensitivity.  Basic courtesy, sensitivity, being nice - does not come naturally to them.  In fact, taking care, and coming across as someone who cares is an alien concept to them.  You see, if they show the softer side to others, if they come and stand by you when you need a fucking shoulder to cry on, they become less manly.

* They lack sensibility.  Because why not. Why be sensible when you can be devoid of any human emotion? Why appear like you understand and empathise with someone's problems when you can be an ass and offer a solution when none is asked for? Because that's how things work. A girl comes to you only because she wants a solution from you.  *newsflash: we do not always (most of the times) want a solution. Just listen, we just want to vent, so learn to listen, nod, say comforting words like, hmm, haa, hmm, ooh, and do not fucking offer solutions at every opportunity that rises.

* Their sense of humour is : sexist, racist and non-veg. Any intellectually stimulating conversation, which would lead to healthy flirting is ruled out because they do not get it.  They find immense pleasure in forwarded whatsapp jokes which is a "non-veg" joke only because it has Hindi slang words for human reproductive organs. Apparently, for reasons unknown to humankind, they are incredibly funny.

* They are selfish.  This comes from observation within family.  Maybe I am related to all idiots of the highest order, but things like, walking together when you are out in a mall, or asking other person's opinion on what to order, or understanding that if you have come home after a tiring day at work, the lady in the house has been taking care of two children and hence, help yourself with water. Stop ordering her around. If she is waiting for you to come home to have dinner together, then wait for her for five minutes till she gets things ready - have dinner with her, not your fucking television. Yes, that may lead to communication and conversation and that is what you do. YOU TALK IN A RELATIONSHIP.  You also learn to enjoy silence between you two because that silence is not uncomfortable. Stop being selfish.

*  They either don't have an opinion or they think so highly of their own opinion that they do not even try listening to others' point of view.

I'm not sure which is worse.  How can you not have an opinion on anything? Yes, the country or world won't change by your viewpoint, but at least have a viewpoint! Lack of it is such a turnoff. And even more put offing is the one where their opinions, which are amazingly flawed, are so extreme that you start thanking that the same gene has skipped the ladies in your family. Yes, I find most of my male relatives annoying.

Okay, I have a lot more to say, but I am bored. Also because I am angry.  But mostly bored and sleepy.

And I'm being bitten by mosquitoes. And I am sleepy.

So I will sleep now.

PS: Don't burn effigies. Spread love, not war. If you're cute, single and not annoying, you know how to reach me. *wink*


Unknown said...

bhot galat likha

Anonymous said...

sahi likha tha bey,saala gujju

Anonymous said...

Omg loved it. My exact sentiments, along with the OCD issue, it feels like you are my long lost sister. More rants like this please :)

Anonymous said...

You think guju women are any different? They are as boring as dirt. They're all identical to each other. Nothing unique about them and the most boring of women you will ever meet. Ugly too.

Nirwa Mehta said...

I love receiving hate comments on this. Please direct hate mail on my mail too. From your real account. So I can google you and find out more on you and how you have issues and how you need to be rescued.

Yes I have Mother Teresa syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Apart from above , gujju women are very manipulative. As gujju men take over all power , women find all power around kitchen. Mother in laws want to feel the queen and daughter in laws are order takers. God forbids, if a new daughter in law is more skilled or independent, they make sure her life is hell. It is utmost insult to their culture if someone is capable and minding her own business. You can talk, which is useless. You can stop talking about issues, which is rude. Then they will ask you should talk about it, After talking they will welcome it and take the discussion to another level of manipulation - citing it is a cultural thing and you should be like them. They will say it is ok to feel that way, but just change your personality just like you change wall color , very easy. That's easy. During all this manipulating talks, they keep smiling as they are a united front and you are all alone. They will never admit what is their side of fault , of course. But they will "get hurt" every now and then easily. They are great believer of "Forget and forgive" advice to others but never apply to themselves. There are some men in the family who are basically bullies, they manipulate the game further in their power. Moms get power via them. It is all very nice game, very entertaining when you can relax and watch. Very stressful when you are the victim. God helps the victims. I think gujjus are less developed people of all races in India. Very annoying.

Unknown said...

You are exactly right I have a gujju friend who is extremely racist and close minded All points you used to describe a gujju correctly matches him, phew

Anonymous said...

Exactly , They are selfish and racist .

Anonymous said...

Yes very selfish and self centered.they pretend to be sensitive but actually very selfish.some geographical and demographic benifits they got hence they became rich.otherwise nobody even keep them as labour.low iq people. I hate them

Anonymous said...

yes i'm gujarathi and m proud to say i'm selfish

Anonymous said...

very true post. Unfortunately I am a victim. Gujarati culture is a cult culture. They believe they are saint, they are good and they are the best. Since they do not interact or learn anything about other cultures , they tend to think so. Very chauvinistic culture they have, they tend to suppress women, and when women become mother in laws, they think they can enjoy the power. Women find all power in kitchen but men often behave like women in Gujju families. Micromanaging women's closet, kitchen everything. Discussion and logic are not their cup of tea. They have been suppressed by their previous generations and they expect the next one to be as robotic as them. They love drama. In real life. They substitute real love with drama and if you can't do drama they think you don't love them. I can go on but everything boils down to one single point. They have very low IQ. Least developed people in whole India.

Anonymous said...

Damn!!!!!! I wish I had read this 3 years back. You are so so so apt. I wouldnt have married a gujju guy had i read this. But at least I got successful in tucking him off his moms pallu!!!

But still, I would say I hate being married to a gujju. :(

Anonymous said...

They are selfish and self centered scavengers. They live for money and only for money. They don’t even like to spend money on their parents and family. If they find Free food - many Gujjus in line, big sale - many gujjus sleep overnight to get in, family functions - default RSVP with everyone around them to eat and drink like pigs. Gujju women don’t have any power or control over their families, Yet they pretend to have everything in their hand. Give them money they will do anything. Give them a piece of gold they will do anything you want them to. They can sleep with anyone even when their husbands are aware of it. Because their men doesn’t have a backbone. Don’t be fooled by their vegetarian food habits and baba chants. They are like leaches, they will suck all your blood without much effort. Emotional blackmail, blame game, victimizing others, finding faults and demeaning your existence are some of their inherent traits and they often use them in their relationships & businesses. They will hold your hair if they got a chance or will touch your feet if necessary to get their job done. My sympathies to you are if you’re already suffering and my condolences to you if you’re already dead or ready to be killed and buried by a Gujju family.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. I can relate it to my two gujju friends. they truly lack sensitivity and sensibility and sense of humor especially.

Anonymous said...

So the thing I noticed about Gujarati men (having dated 1) and being friends with quite a few Gujaratis (I’m not Gujju myself) is that there is a MAJOR push for perfection - and I mean this more than anyone else in the millennial generation.

I noticed that they are extremely critical of every little thing (never had this with other guys I’ve dated, which also includes other Indians. I once spilled a little coffee and 2 years later this Gujarati man remembered it as an embarrassing moment. Something like this would’ve been brushed off by anyone else. His Mom would spend 6 hours cooking aloo paronthas while it took me an hour. She was so afraid of the paronthas being slightly imperfect, meanwhile the guys didn’t do anything to help her in the kitchen, took about 4 minutes to eat, and she would spend another 4 hours cleaning obsessively. I take an hour to make paronthas, he would say it only took you an hour, obviously it’s not going to taste good. I started cleaning obsessively and he would say it’s still not clean enough because I didn’t vacuum the ceiling like his Mom does. Meanwhile, I have a full time job, working on my doctorate, work out everyday, have my own house, and still picking up his clothes off the living room couch.

Keep in mind I cook him vegan food everyday, became a vegetarian for him, and pick up after him everyday as well as my diabetic cat and his dog’s diarrhea from my floor that he doesn’t touch. He doesn’t take me on dates, comes home after midnight everyday because he wants to smoke weed with his friends instead, and I’ve stopped complaining. I don’t ask him to pay me rent in my house. I have sex with him everyday so that he doesn’t cheat on me again.

He criticized me for the fact that he thinks that when I speak it’s all useless which is why he doesn’t respond to what I have to say (namely because it doesn’t involve politics or his business). I can’t joke with him that much because he doesn’t always get it. I recently tried staying quiet on a vacation in his car ride all the way there. Everything was fine until he complained that I didn’t sit on the hotel toilet seat (I think that’s disgusting) and as a result I left it a little messy. I apologized to him but inside I was so scared of what he was thinking. I asked him if it bothered him that I don’t sit on public toilet seats and he said “no one I know leaves the toilet seat dirty ever.” I said “do you think other girls are better than me, no other girls you’ve dated have made mistakes?” He said “no, never like this.” I just flipped out and said “find someone better than me, I’m not good enough for you!”

I really don’t believe he feels that I’m not good enough for him. Someone please tell me, is this all Gujaratis?? Or is this just a really insane case of me dating a narcissist? I want to leave but I’m in love with him still.

Unknown said...

Please do yourself a favor and leave that bastard. And harass him too actually, as he deserves it. Omg I dated a gujju for just a year and it was the most toxic shit ever. Soooo glad I got outta that shitshow.

Anonymous said...

Yes You are right. Gujus are very very selfish people. They always manipulate things. They only need people from same community (only gujus). They will not talk to you if you are from other caste.Very cheap and boring people.
They are always self centred people who need money money money and very kanjus types of people they are.
They dont respects other community people, very annoying they are they think they are God, bcoz of vegeaterian eating habbit and all. But their children eats Non veg in resturant. I have one guju frnd who eats non veg outside on every occasion birthday, party etc.
People from U.P, Punjab, Bihar, Maharashtra are 10000 times better than Self centered gujus. Atleast they help each other and respect you.

Unknown said...

Iam also gujarati but i don't wanna call myself gujarati. They boasts that their state is developed and role model, indeed our state is developed but mind isn't developed, gujaratis are aggressive and non understanding, insensitive and bad mouthed specially womens, gujju womens doesn't like presence of any relative of husband (mother in law or anyone) they are narcissistic and lacks logic, they always try to dominate others and critize them even if they done many mistakds they never accepts (they have a quote: fault is never mine and if then do it whatever you can) means never accept fault and if someone try to tell their fault they just fight like angry gorillas. Selfish, insensitive,doible standard,greedy, self centered, disprespectful, even toward their parents, toxic also, their womens are just too terrible, because of gujju womens i going through a trauma since 2 years, they doesn't even try to understand other 's pov and pressurize others to do as they want, they don't know where what to do and just do it without even thinking for a moment,

Anonymous said...

Gujjus are not selfish. They are SELFIS. Chutya public. Even an otherwise decent Gujju can't escape the indictment of his genes. Some gujjuness or other will always leak through.

Anonymous said...

Being a non-gujju and having grown up in Gujarat, I can attest to almost everything written. Extremely bigoted, self-centred and selfish behaviour towards others. Money rules the roost. The young chaps would fixate their eyes on the phones the whole day while playing with their dad's black money in the share market. They may have bundles of liquid cash but lack social understanding and compassion towards others. They have a superficial knowledge of business and only do 'jugaad' through their family and community/caste networks. No traffic sense or other kinds of civil sense. During navratri and uttrayan, they keep blasting music at such high decibels that it may crack your ear drums.

Anonymous said...

I am a gujji, i can confirm they are all cunts

Anonymous said...

agree , gajju are selfish and arrogant , less knowledge more confident .. never trustworthy .

Anonymous said...

Agree, Gujjus are very aggressive, selfish and insensitive. I had a gujju roomate once. Faced a lot of issues because of him. Any reading this, please take this as a caution and do not take in gujju roommates.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mehta,

I ECHO you. I have spend my 25-30 days at different place in Gujarat. And come to know like you are 100% right. They are really pathetic when it comes to common human behaviour

Anonymous said...

Bro i just got a job here and every thing about these fucking worthless narcissistics are true as fuck. They are completely inclined towards money and selfish fuckers. Help me god

Anonymous said...

What a load of rubbish.
Not sure where you people are all from !!!! regarding these comments about Gujarati‘s.
This is an Asian thing whether you’re Gujarati, Hindu Punjabi, Pakistani whatever.

I have worked in an industry with a full of different types on Asian women, and they are all the same specially The immigrants and the first generation. Before making comments about Gujarati people w just look at your own parents and yourself and see how toxic they are !!
just because they work hard and are wealthy that does not mean that arrogant and selfish. Arrogance and selfish is in all Asian culture and it’s human nature so please give it a rest and look in your own homes first and your family and relatives. I’m sure you will find a lot of jealousy, arrogancy selfishness, greediness in each and everyone of them.
I cannot believe that in 2023, I am still reading this kind of rubbish 😡

Anonymous said...

Going with gujju roommates was the worst mistake of my life. Manipulative, selfish, bigoted and back stabbers. Never share a space with them and If you are then just be very cautious. They will always try to bring you down and attack your weaknesses.

Anonymous said...

Everything you said and all the comments are so true!

I noticed a lot of Gujjus, especially the men are such narcissists. Every Gujju man I know has cheated on his wife or girlfriend and blames the girl for “not cooking right” or “not cleaning enough” even if the girl works and is successful! And the crazy thing is, a lot of these girls know they are getting cheated on but they stick around because they were taught from a young age they are second class citizens. So sad :(

Anonymous said...

What is it with Gujarati guys and girls not eating together or even sitting next to each other? Other people I hang out with everyone integrates…Gujaratis never do. Even when we go out the girls and the guys always stay away from each other. Someone told me once it’s because they are used to it from some Swaminarayan Mandir they go to. Is that true? I’m a non Gujarati but I’m Indian.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%, I have an annoying gujrati mother in law, who has the exact she traits, god she's intolerable, I hate her so much!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am A Gujrati and I Don't Want to be Gujrati Anymore

Here in Gujrat People Usually try to Manipulate and Dominate Others..

Gujrati Judge Everyone by their Dressing sense.

in Every Hillstation of India they Speak Loudly and Irritiate Other People.

They think if i pays Money then its My Area

Always shows Their Presence Everywhere

Some Amdavadi Are Barks A Lot that i am Amdavadi I am Amdavadi.....maru Gujrat Maru Gujrat....

Which is Fuckin Annoying

Anonymous said...

Mother fucker asshole

Anonymous said...

I was about to get married to a gujju boy with whom I fell in love not because he was good maybe because I had a delusional idea of him being the guy of my dreams coming all the way from a different country to marry me. With time I started realising how manipulating and complaining he is on every little thing. He would never agree with anything that I say, if I say morning he will say night. I still was ignoring everything because my delusional self was trying to see the good in him. With time I realised he doesn't care about me at all. Talks a ton about loving me and that putting effort is louder than words. But neither his "I love you" felt real to me nor I could see any of his efforts towards me. He would not text me the whole day, no calls even. Every weekend I think maybe today I will get time to talk... but the entire day he is either sleeping... spending time with his sister or going out with his friends,,, doesn't even bother to call me...!! Even if he calls... just for 10 mins for formality..!! Recently I met him in in Mumbai for 2 days... i wanted to spend some time with him.. he forcefully dragged me to stay with his frnds so that I get to know them... now he got all drunk and started dancing with his female friends like don't exist for that moment and then went to sleep like anything...!! Didn't even care to spend some time to talk to me or love me..!

These people are so insensitive, rude, and unromantic,, that they think of how masculine they are but in reality they are so evidently feminine. They just don't know how to express love and put efforts. They will not even look back after biding you bye and walk away... they will ask you to put your opinion... if you don't - you are immature.. if you do- they will get aggressive and pull you down make sure to make you believe that you are wrong leaving you feel miserable. If you are a hopeless romantic - they will make your life pathetic... you will start to question your worth with them... these people will call you pretty and flirt with other girls in front of you like it is so normal... they are far from being gentleman... they are like leeches... they will make you feel like you are good for nothing even when you are incredible and great...!!! Never marry a gujju boy.... they have huge egos even when they got nothing as such to have that attitude...if you are someone who wants a loving caring and provider man (non materialistic) and emotionally available or I should put it as If you want a MAN in life... never marry a gujju... they are not MEN..

I left this guy bcz he was affecting my mental peace.. fucking up my head so much that I started to question myself...even after sharing my concern he was blaming me only...was so unavailable always and carried his ego everywhere....!! I am still upset because as i mentioned I was in love with the delusional image of him being the kind of person I was in love with.... maybe i will get over this soon.. and find peace and happiness in the person i deserve to be with..!

Anonymous said...

Omg I feel so seen and I'm surprised by the number of people having the exact same opinions as me. Gujju men has such high ego and think so pathetically highly of themselves(which is only in their minds actually) but they are actually so feminine. (I'm not saying that feminine men are bad or anything, I personally infact like feminine men but in this context I mean like they are the total opposite of what they think they are)
Please for the love of God, never ever date or think about marrying a gujju boy. Every single thing ppl have said in this blog is true. I have never met men as selfish, self-centred, narcissistic, manipulative and lustful as gujju men.
I relate so much to the commentor above. I thought I had found the guy of my dreams and I loved him with everything I had got. I tried my best to see from his viewpoint and try understand him better and always tried to be there for him whenever he needed me, but he never ever saw my efforts. It took me so long to get out of my delusions and realize that I were played and groomed. I'm so so glad to be finally out of it. After the breakup I've started to realize how manipulative and toxic our relationship was and how blind I were in love.
The whole time we dated, he never acknowledged about making our relationship public which was very sketchy but still I didn't question it. He spent almost all the time trying to get me "in the mood". He rarely cared to talk about our day to day lives and never put in any time or effort to make it work. When I told him I felt like I were being used, he acted so shocked and asked what kind of nonsense I were talking about. He made it as if I were the one in the wrong for feeling that way.
I got so sick and tired of trying to explain my very basic needs to him and I were done begging for the bare minimum that I decided to leave and I'm so proud that I did.

So fellas, it is in your best intentions that I'm telling you, never ever date a gujju or think of marrying them especially if you're a hopeless romantic who would love them with your whole heart. They'll leave you with extreme emotional wounds and will manipulate you into thinking that they were never the problem. They are just incapable of love. Date a gujju only if you are looking for a casual relationship. Long-term and loving relationships with them are just impossible.

Anonymous said...

Oh,poor you-let me guess- you are a gujarati as well! Gujaratis are the most annoying & stingy people. Wealth is not everything-it’s important to be humble and nice to people(non gujaratis).

Anonymous said...

💯,you nailed it ❤️

Anonymous said...

lol!!so damn true-dealing with gujarati mother in law-cooks terrible food and her daughter who is divorced doesn’t know a thing but still the best,she is ready to ruin my marriage as well and husband has no say-so I am the victim here.

Anonymous said...

Ditto! I am suffering too from past 9 years

Anonymous said...

Girl leave. I dated a gujju for a year only to end up getting cheated on by him. They’re extremely narcissistic and will make your life miserable if you are better than them in any aspect. It isn’t love, they make you so weak that you’ll lack the strength to walk out of the relationship.

Anonymous said...

All things are 100% correct.. me and my parents are travelling to Gujarat and we are here from last 10 days.. and all the experiences with the gujratis were pathetic, there is no one good word left for them.. they are so disrespectful and ready to fight always. We never had such experiences we all had graveyard lot in india..but never seen such state seriously. To them their Gujarati brother is more important.

Anonymous said...

I used to feel I am alone. I came across this by chance and its a big big redemption to know that I am not the only one who had these thoughts and feelings towards my gujju husband . To an extent I started feeling that I am toxic and mad. Everything written here in 100% true and totally relatable. Gujju women are manipulative, high on ego, and control freak. AND DOWNRIGHT RUDE. Gujju men learn from their mothers, become a second MIL, start micromanaging every issue in the house, and then portray as if they are DISCUSSING. they are not capable of doing anything except earn money. Every conversation is stock market, politics, or righteousness of gujju politicians. They are self centered, not capable of understanding human emotions, highly egoist (translates to everything that hurts their ego means you have disrespected them) and no sense of humour. Meddling to another level in other people affairs. And not to forget, pointing out your shortcoming to justify their wrong doings (or rather no doings as they only stare at the phone all the time). I have never seen such emotionally immature humans as the gujju race. Money and false public reputation is all to them. They take family for granted and aim to please friends and neighbours so that they can cull favours in the long run. Men tend to control the money, even when its a woman's money. My husband actually told me that he expects me to compromise and even take insults from others for his sake. Me being me, when i slash back, then I become the bad uncultured person with no values. i wonder how are others here enduring. I am at the brink of my patience.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Same! Gujju men are so emotionally dysregulated. They literally can’t handle you making any mistakes. You make a mistake it’s like the worst thing you can ever do and they become so condescending, unfortunately their Moms can be that way too :(

Anonymous said...

Omgg this is so true. "Money and false public reputation is all to them. They take family for granted and aim to please friends and neighbours so that they can call in favours in the long run." Truer words have never been spoken 👏🏻

Anonymous said...

Even the Gujju guy my friend was dating only wanted to get her "in the mood". Only interested in lust and sex..and when she was not interested in premarital sex, he would grumble and complain ki saara mood kharab kardiya

Anonymous said...

Sahi likha

Anonymous said...


Sahil Majmudar said...

It seems that you still have not met a MAN tho. Not every person is same as what u described. The one u had mentioned seems a "chhapri" to me. Trust me choose when u know the person already..

Anonymous said...

Have read the most honest and true traits and experiences. Thank god my infatuation lasted only for less than a month. Thank you god, so so much!!

Aisha said...

Guys its all true i have suffered a lot because of gujju people .. i have came to gujarat back in 2020 nd was expecting something better but from day 1 they started to treat me as if i have no importance as an adult ..i was 18 + btw i had some patience nd thought they would understand me one day but they destroyed my patience like any thing ..they are the most selfish beings i have ever seen even foriegners are not as gujarati ( foreigners who have good business going ) and guys when you need them they ignore you as hell nd out of ur place as if " let us make you die helplessly , because u tried to explain us the real thing which we are doing is wrong ..u insulted us .. u should regret now " guys they are damn selfish as hell even if you go into sabarmati river front in ahmedabad to die because of their toxicity ..they will be like ..ok girl ..go die we wont even take your corpse out of that river .see ur so unlucky . see us .we have robbed u , suffocated you nd made you to do suicide .. wow haahahaha what a game we have played with haah .. good luck with your death .. guys i think so public need to raise this issue because maximum people really dont know the real face of gujju people . This shold be raised in news media also cause its taking the toll of girl's nd boy's life . They really dont have mercy on outsiders guys trully saying because i have not just felt this i have actually experienced this also . They are reaching their heights guys . Just because of as so called " Gujarati paramparas how many lives will get destroyed or finished . Truly speaking guys my parents r in favour of Gujaratis , but i m really not . because i never realised in the starting that what Gujaratis will do to my life , just because of them i had suicidal tendencies .. i mean .. real suicidal tendencies ..but it was my courage .. who .. over came it i dont know why i feel as if Gujaratis want me to die each nd every second

Anonymous said...

shame on myself that i stay in gujarat .....!!

Anonymous said...

Guys even mukesh ambani has buyed a property in london

Anonymous said...

Dont u think Mr. Mukesh Ambani is trying to acquire not jst india but hes trying to acquire whole of the worlds best things . He wants sabko ganda ganda cheez mile aur humein sabse achaa cheez mile duniya ka taki duniya mein sabse zyada khush hum rahe apne as so called gujju parivar k saath aur community k sath .. guys they feed their gujju community nd family like any thing .. He tries to persuade other states people or foreign people just to over power them nd conquer that place nd rule that place fully nd do whatever he wants to do he doesnt has any thing to do with politics even in politics gujjus tries to make relationships which r really fake they try to act as if they r ur bestest friends nd well wishers u 've ever got in this world nd when you get persuaded they try to snatch ur rights ruin ur power , ur life , be it relationship with ur family nd snatch ur money also nd throw you away nd say " ab tumhari zaroorat nhi hai hmein "

Anonymous said...

They make you powerless nd then throw u away like any thing guys
See these bitch gujjus how they enjoy you . They just try to play with ur life guys , ur feelings , ur happiness , ur emotions which r positive nd throw u away by destroying nd snatching every positive thing from ur life guys
They dont want to make relationships guys ..but they make relationships just because they want every type of power nd special things from u guys which they like is the best in this world . nd never ever share any knowledge to them guys .. they try to take advantage when you share any of ur special things to them ( secret ) dont do that ever nd if u try to stop them they will ill treat u , talk to u badly as if they r ur worst enemy ever u had in this world ..... guys they r like that only m telling u cause i have experienced these things very well guys they bitches

Anonymous said...

nd guys if mukesh ambani has so mch of power that he could settle down a town ship in jamnagar nd have a grand celebration for his son nd daughter's marriage then why does he ignore the poor people does he has mercy or not to help poor people .. even if we see modi he also doesnt tries to say in his speech that employees should get better wages nd he tries to dominate religion or promote only one religion only that is hinduism .. guys i think so in my opinion every religion is good in its own we should never try to dominate any religion over other it makes other religion people feel bad about them selves which really leads to fight people here in india doesnt have only hindu even punjabis , parsis , christians , muslims how would they feel about them selves .. when they would hear modi's speech guys

Anonymous said...

Guys i think so i should high light one point gujjus really fear coming to social media because thay do all these above bull shits in real life they fear coming in news media nd saying any thing confidently they never try to face news media see modi he tries to just act nd do his work but never say any thing in news media guys he tries to put all his opinions to be said by his cabinet ministers . M not the supporter of bjp or any other political party but m saying about modi just because he belongs to gujju community guys cause this fear of news media i have felt this even my colleagues who r gujjus when news media comes to them directly they try to ignore their say because they know they cant face this because in india people r there who opposes gujjus nd if some political party ( who r enemies of gujjus ) targets their saying nd rages public by showing people the real proof of gujju then whole gujju community targets nd tries to plot another plan to maintain their power

Anonymous said...

guys they dont have plan A , plan B , they plot in groups nd they plan by thinking at every step guys they also consider the worst attack from their as so called " gujju " enemies guys

Anonymous said...

So jst be cautious guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Couldn’t agree more. My ex husband would literally make me hang with all his friends but would never support his parents unless he wants something from them. It’s almost like he has no self identity without his friends. Always involving a third person whenever we hangout and I would just have to follow him. Didn’t know how to spend time with me and I always would beat myself up thinking that I am a boring person and that he doesn’t want to spend time with me. If I make a suggestion to do something then he would belittle me and say things like yeh bhi koi karta hai. If he gets one call from his so called gujju friend then he is ready to do even the most boring shit. Glad that I don’t have to cater to that community anymore, so fucking exhausting.

Anonymous said...

So true they are the most selfish people I would say. They gather all information and use us for their need. When we are in need they won't even look back.My very own experience

Anonymous said...

Yes guys nd guys be cautious whenever u go to any of those bus stop of ah,edabad or whole of gujarat gujarati people have prying eyes on ur phone when u work on phone or u see ur phone i think they want to hack ur account nd rob all ur cash accounts so be cautious guys even bollywood tries to support gujju strongly guys m revealing the real identity of these bolly wood people guys bollywood people like deepika padukone tries to ruin all common people's lives nd tries to support gujju so that she cud have good treatment from these ambani people guys . Never see bolly wood songs guys cause it vud surely destroy u some or the other way . Dont go to their pretty pretty faces guys never believe in them guys instead u can see entertainment things from outside india .. india is not the only entertainment hub in the world guys

Anonymous said...

Guys but plot doesnt comes from the old gujju people but poor to every class people b that middle class lower or any nd even the college going girls r so wicked they play victim card against u like anything guys dont take even college girls lightly guys when gujju girl plays the victim card his male boyfriend is quiet nd satisfied thinking that " ok my girlfriend is there for me to protect me so i dont have to destroy people who r outside she s playing the victim card let her play the victim card ." nd when gujju girl is weak her male boyfriend tries to defence not only defence but try to destroy outsiders guys they try to make a protective shield u know in their life not just protective shield but even destroying outsiders guys .. guys be cautious ..

Anonymous said...

nd u might not know this guys that in gujarat ambani ko devta k jaise pooja jata hai guys i dont know for what reason but it was Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani who built this mukesh ambani's business guys it was dhirubhai Ambani's business which made mukesh ambani's life so much comfortable nd built mukesh ambani's character nd personality so that people could respect him nd he gets his father's hard earned respect till date guys i have respect for dhirubhai ambani but not the next generation family bcause they r disastrous now i hate ambani family after mukesh ambani nw guys truly speaking i dont have any respect for mukesh ambani at all in my heart guys truly speaking by seeing them i get hurt very much guys

Anonymous said...

Nd guys can we create a community here is there any option here

Anonymous said...

Guys even not actors of india but politicians of india also strongly support gujju they treat gujju people as their devta but guys today or tomorrow gujju have to surrender nd have to face defeat aaj nhi toh kal so guys even punjabi people dont enjoy so much as gujju people enjoy guys u can see the strong nexus of gujju people just as bollywood nexus guys guys most of the people dont want ki ambani se koi upar jaye this is very selfish opinion of gujjus guys not only gujjus but politicians actors of india also guys so its better to leave india or protest these gujjus strongly nd raise the point in news together ..guys even gujju wants that har social media chahe chote se chota ho ya bade se bada social media mein gujju ka khub badai ho but this is not possible bcause gujju ko bhi pata hai gujju kya outsiders k saath kr rha hai guys

Anonymous said...

guys sirf gujju yeh nhi chahta even they want jitne bhi indians hai ek ek indian gujju logo ka badai krein guys .. mtlb meinein aaj tk aise selfish logo logo ko apne life mein kbhi nhi dekha guys such a shame on gujjus hadd shameless log hai selfish log hai guys

Anonymous said...

No wonder why my anxiety was so so so high when I was married. I was always worried that I would make a mistake and my ex husband or his mother would complain. They complain about petty stuff. It got so unbearable that I had to leave. If I had kids with him, it would have been a disaster. Thank God that I got out of that. I live a very peaceful and quiet life now.

Anonymous said...

Aur guys ambani ko " mein , mera , mujhe " se hi fursat nhi hai voh doosro k liye kya krenge guys unme " aham " aur ghamand bhaut hai pta nhi kis cheez ka jaise unhone hi india ka kuch ukhaad liya ho but voh real mehnat dhirubai ambani ka tha guys voh ab jb nhi hai toh unka credit pe voh log enjoy kr rhe hai guys mtlb hadd hai inki guys ..apne baap ka hard work sacrifice ya apne baap jaisa mehnati nhi bnna unko enjoy krna hai kbhi brthday kbhi shadi kbhi yeh kbhi voh guys truly speaking in gujarati k company mein kaam krna hi band kr dena chahiye chahe kitne bhi top position mein kyu na ho ghamand apne aap chakna choor ho jayega jb inko employees k option nhi milenge toh

Anonymous said...

Guys problem kya hai ambani jaise gujaratiyon ko ache mein bhi sbse acha cheez chahiye voh chahte hai ki voh sundaro mein bhi sbse sundar dikhe theek hai neeta ambani ko dekh lo aap matlab they want to dominate u in best things by being on top but mujhe acha laga itna khushi hone k baad bhi mukesh ambani utna sundar nhi dikhta jitna uski biwi hai guys matlab biwi k level ka nhi hai guys bilkul nhi itna sab kuch hone k baad bhi gujarati jaise mukesh ambani ko sundarta nhi mil payi bolte hai na guys jo karm krte ho voh face pe dikhne lgta hai vhi cheez mukesh ambani k chahre k sath hua guys mukesh ambani se sundar toh ek aviation ka pilot ya navy dikhta hai guys ya fir middle class k bhi young ldke ko dekh lo voh bhi ache lgte hai the problem is mukesh ambani is not so smart guys to b truly speaking

Anonymous said...

guys mujhe bhaut ajeeb lgta hai ki gujarati ko log devta samjh k treat kyu krte hai

Anonymous said...

Aap google p chale jaiye utube pe chale jaiye khi bhi gujarati k baare mein kuch negative likha hi nhi hai guys aisa kya dudh ka dhula hua hai guys gujarat smjh mein nhi aata foreigner s itne jldi impress kaise ho jate hai guys .. i think so just because of gujjus marketing skills guys their business skills guys

Anonymous said...

guys bolte hai na krishna bhagwan ji ki mein sundaron mein bhi sundar hoon just vhi cheez gujju ne apna liya hai apne life mein guys aur jb gujju ko accuse kro toh guajarati khud apne aap k baare mein burai krk acting krta hai guys i mean see the enthusiasm of them to prove that gujju is right nd gujju will always help u nd give service to u ..guys inke jhamele pe mat padna bhaut kameene hote hai gujju paiso k liye kuch bhi khel lenge kuch bhi daav laga lenge guys beware of them career ko bnane k liye gujju ko image bnane ki zroorat hot hai as so called " fake positive image in front of all people " voh usk liye website pe akar samjhate hai ki " aisa nhi hai bhai .. aisa hai " aise gujju k jhamele mein mat padna guys bhaut prapanchi hote hai guys thoda samhal k rehna pata k tumhe kya krenge tumhare zindagi tumhe kuch pta hi nhi hai guys .. beware of them

Anonymous said...

Guys mujhe aaj tk smjh mein nhi aaya har state k baare mein kuch na kuch log khamaiya bol hi dete hai why not gujarat akhir gujarat bhi toh ek sab k jaise normal state hi hai na guys aadmi bhi vha k normal hai toh gujarat k bare mein itna badha chadha k log kyu bolte hai jo logo ko pareshaniyaa ho ri hai gujarat mein voh kyu ni bolte log guys ..modi k darr k vajah se , ya ambani k darr ke vjh se guys ?? kisk vjh se ?

Anonymous said...

Guys aur gujarati kbhi apne life ko secret rkhega but jb baat doosre k life ki ho gujarati interfere publicise ya threat bhaut krega aapk private life yeh ek cheez observe krna guys aap log doosro k privacy ka koi value nhi hai gujaratiyon ko guys

Anonymous said...

guys yeh socho jo ldki shaant rehti hai apne private life mein uska kya hoga uska life tehes nehes ho jayega gujaratiyon k vjah se guys gujarati mann ashant kr denge ldki k privacy ko interfere krk guys this is not good guys we shud respect each other's privacy guys fr sure

Anonymous said...

guys aur mukesh ambani apne aap ko king smjhna chahta hai guys india ka voh sirf un logo ki help krta hai guys jo log professional hai aur unko do vakt ki roti milti hai kyu ? kyunki un logo ko paisa chahiye kaam krvak guys in return khoob profit guys unk is harkat se lgta hai ki they r very selfish people on this earth guys bhaut selfish log hai guys ..kyunki mukesh ambani ya adani ko meinein kbhi nhi dekha gareebo ka madad krte hue guys voh sirf unka mada krte hai jo unhe return mein kuch de ske so selfish guys

Anonymous said...

and guys bhale hi radhika merchant ek as so called "sweet smile " krti ho sbk saamne but in real her smile is fake she actually tries to attract public attention nd fame in media nd voh private life mein arrogant hai guys beware of radhika erchant also .. kb chilla degi tum par , kab bhadak jayegi tum par , tumhe kuch nhi pta guys , so beware of those person guys kyunki agar voh smile na kre toh uska asli chehra expose hone ko vulnerable ho jata hai guys .. uska mood usk face par dikhta hai guys .

Anonymous said...

guys mukesh ambani ki baat kre hes lso vry selfish in private life bas usko poora india ka paisa conquer krna hai aur india ke logo mein sa so called " fake impression i. e . " positive " bnana hai guys just like akbar nd aurangzeb

Anonymous said...

aur guys dekha isha ambani frok pehen k abroad k road mein kbhi ghoomti hai , kbhi vogue fashion magazine mein apna photo shoot krati hai guys mar chuke hai voh log fashion aur paise mein guys unko samajh mein hi nhi aa rha kya kre kya nhi zindagi mein kya paap hai , kya punya hai , kaise karm krke punya milega they r like " pagal ho gaye hai guys " decide hi nhi kr paa rhe relationship kais bnega public se , public ko kya chahiye aur mein chahti hoon unka aisa hi undecisiveness ho aur hum log us cheez ka fayda utha k aage badh jaye guys .. zindagi mein

Anonymous said...

guys mein dekh skti hoon mukesh ambani aur uski family uncontrolled way mein chal rhi hai guys usko zindgi mein kaun sa punya krna hai kaun sa nhi nhi smjh mein aa rha guys

Anonymous said...

and guys gujaratis only feed their communities by dominating other state people by giving speech in gujarati only , no compromise in culture nd languages even if they have to dominate other state nd promote their culture ..they can nd they will guys so selfish .. they just feed their as so called " gujarati community , their gujarat belonmging family ..thats it .. apna kaam banta bhad mein jaye janta guys vaisa vala baat so why is modi elected as the prime minister from 2014 ..then that should b some other non - gujju political leader who should b elected guys , guys i think so gujaratis should never be given a chance or be a part of india . vaise bhi gujarat is like sabse kone mein .. desh se alag ho skta hai .. asani se guys nd guys nd they snatch the opportunities nd give u nothing so also dont engage with a gujarati fr ur shares investing in business also guys ..kuch bhi ho skta hai aapk saath guys

Anonymous said...

I would like to suggest u guys kya kya gujarati ko ..nhi dena chahiye :
engaging in any festivals
ur knowledge / work knowledge
welcoming them to ur home at any time
ur bank account number
ur true soulmate types love
attachment be it any kind of
what ur up to in ur personal nd in outside life
ur favourite things
ur secrets
ur planning of any private life or personal life
showing off to them how much good things u have nd taking the credit nd showing in front of them
problems of life in any aspect

Anonymous said...

guys we should even not talk to them bout our problems jo bhi bolo soch kr bolo guys kis gujarati se baat kr rhe ho

Anonymous said...

guys aisa lgta hai gujarati's oxygen is money nd sex guys usk alave gujarati ko aisa lgta hai kuch chahiye hi nhi is duniya mein ns ki punya kamana hai na kuch till they die guys .. nd guys sirf business log nhi hai aise pagal guys even gujarat k spiritual guru bhi aise hi hai guys . ab samajh lo guys .. kaise hote hai yeh log !! mujhe lgta hai guys gujaratiyon ko agar itna hi paisa aur sex krna hai voh sex worker ban skte hai thats an easy way to have money in ur pocket guys ..haha ..

Anonymous said...

.............nd guys gujarati just outshow u how good nd as so called sanskari they r .. but thats their type of marketing for their tourism industry guys isiliye tum log dekhte hoge gujarat ko promote krne k liye amitabh bachhan ko promote kiya tha guys see guys gujarati kitna bhi apna as so called " sanskar " dikhaye ..hum patne wale nhi hai ..kyuki hmein bhi pata hai ki gujarati kaise hote hai we should one against gujarati nd jo u tube face book google mein gujaratiyon k baare mein koi kuch bolta nhi hai negative iska mtlb sarasar gujarati paise khilate honge aise vedios na dikhane k guys .. freaking shit they r ..!! so beware of their business guys bhaut bade khiladi banna chahte hai guys gujarati log aise khiladiyo se ..thoda bach k rhe guys

Anonymous said...

even sirf ladk nhi guys ek baar ldkiya famous ho jati hai ya reputation mil jata hai like neeta ambani they do whatever drama they want to do with you nd they ruin ur life like anything guys

Anonymous said...

so ..agar kisi k paas koi business ya , khud ki koi company hai guys ..never ever hire gujarati people same m gonna implement this thing also guys

Anonymous said...

guys u should see harshad mehta film there he was also gujarati nd how he made a fraud business u shold see those things guys .. its really necessary

Anonymous said...

badi aayi neeta ambani mumbai indians ki chairperson banne !! hah !! she's so dumb .usko pata hi nhi hai ki leader sports team ka ..kisko bnna chahiye guys ..isse sports person ko bhi bura prabhav pdta hai guys .it demotivates the team .. sports person leader should b a sports person only ..should have sports experiences .. u know . sports knowledge . well experienced in sports .. but say what .these ambani people doesnt know how to make image in front of public they lack their business skills guys ..poor gujaratis haha ..nd now they wud read our comments nd try to take our knowledge .nd never help us to share their knowledge guys ..negative gujaratis !! hah !!

Anonymous said...

Guys .........good news know what .....neeta ambani smokes whenever she gets up in the morning nd whenever her flight starts to take off nd isha ambani likes to smell her socks so much the socks which r dirty guys ......see how they r ....i dont know how these indians tries to hide these secrets of these fake as so called " pure " people guys i really dont know this ...nd you know how neeta ambani represents her self guys in front of her camera man ... nd guys neeta ambani ko dekho hindu hone ka naatak krti hai shadi mein , koi function mein , aur andar private life mein ..hai model ya fir actress ..guys neeta ambani k indian attire ya dresses pe nhi jaana . she is something very devil nd cruel from inside guys ..she is not good ..she has 2 faces guys .one which is shown on camera nd 2 which is you really dont know guy .. unke smile pe bhi mat jana guys ..bhaut devilious smile hai aur yeh hai cruel kaliyug jisme tumhe sach bolne k liye kisi bade aadmi ka illegal bolenge log aur unhi bade logo ka badai krne ka ho jhooth mein toh itna pyaar unki community se milega itna support unki community se milega ki poocho mat guys aur yeh sach chupega guys gujju kuch bhi kr skta hai neeta ambani k sach ko chupane k liye guys samajh rhe ho guys

Anonymous said...

all that glitters is not gold guys ...remember this jo dikhta hai voh hota nhi hai guys ..nd guys ho skta hai neeta ambani mujhe marva de guys kyunki meinein uska secret khol diya guys bhaut selfish hai guys apne reputation , respect k liye guys usko cigarette peene ka lat hai guys aur mein suggest krungi guys kbhi bhi ahmedabad mein .. shift mat hona guys this is moh maya ka jaal which gujarat has thrown all over india to destroy you forever or die by gujaratis guys mein aur meri family guys phas chuki hai gujarat mein guys we have our own flat now guys jaise sushant singh rajput ko shah rukh khan jaise logo ne marva diya na guys vaise hi mujhe bhi lag rha hai neeta ambani bhi mujhe marva degi ..guys voh nhi chahti ki uski koi bhi buri adat public ho guys .. please guys pray for me

Anonymous said...

Guys this is gujarati nexus just like bollywood nexus or group to destroy good actors career .. guys just like that this modi , ambani family are a group in one to destroy any one who is the supporter of truth nd justice . guys gujarati log tumhari buri adat nikal lenge par jab gujarati k buri adat ka poocho toh gujarati ignore krna chahe ga kaise bhi krk guys tabhi mein sochu guys gujarat mein drugs , cigarette , vine mein police strict action kyu nhi leti guys aur yeh sab bik rha hai guys ..guys aur mein bol du gujarati people will suppress u any how if u want to expose them in front of whole india guys . nd als guys never go to mumbai guys thats all moh maya guys a dangerous moh maya which cud ruin ur character severely guys gujarati ka sirf drama hai guys even if they r not interested in acting voh real life mein acting krenge tumhare sath guys aur tumhe tamasha bnake chale jayenge guys mein kisi ko elect nhi krungi guys is baar cause modi jo dikhata hai voh vaisa shayad hai nhi guys

Anonymous said...

guys tum logo ko pata hoga ki salman khan ne kin kin actors ka career khatam krk rkh diya guys like vivek oberoi , he tried to destroy even aishwarya rai nd guys to b truly speaking i think so aishwarya rai is a good actress guys nd guys kitne actors ka salman khan ne camera k samne peeta unka acting ka career barbaad kr diya hmesha hmesha k liye guys socho guys aur hum salman khan khud shadi shuda hai aur voh apni biwi ko saudi arabia mein rkhta hai guys socho aur yha aak katrina k saath chakkar chalata hai guys yeh log apne aap ko itna pure kyu dikhana chahte hai yeh neeta ambani , salman khan jaise log aisa dikhata hai ki " hum mahatma sant , aur devi jaise log hai " are bhai yeh kal yug hai in ko itna bhi nhi pata ki bhagwan k time rishi muni logo ne pehle hi bol diya tha ki jitna dikhava rhega utna hi private life mein vhi log gande honge agar hum is cheez ko haqeeqat maante hai toh kyu nhi hum bhagwan k time k logo pe believe kr skte yaar kya problem hai kyunki abhi neeta ambani sbse zyaada lime light mein hai usk paas sb kuch achi cheezein hai jo voh dikhati hai hmein guys toh uska mtlb voh achi hai guys ..nhi hai guys nhi hai theek hai yeh galat hai guys aisa kisi ne bhi is dharti mein kalyug mein especially janam nhi liya hai jo doodh ka dhula ho

Aisha said...

hum ek doosre ki galti ko samajhte hai guys ..toh hum action aise logo k against kyu nhi le skte guys kya neeta ambani pari hai kya guys yeh satyug nhi chal rha jo tum log soch rhe ho ki jo andar hoga voh bahar hoga yeh sab moh maya ka jal hai guys abhi tk hum bollywood actors ko bhaut acha maan rhe the guys ab kya hua inhi bollywood actors ka guys sab dhara ka dhara reh gaya yeh kya salman khan , shah rukh khan guys jaago yeh gujarati log doosre state k saathreal life politics khel rhe hai guys moh maya ka bahana dikha k i hope so u r able to understand this guys .. i think so kalyug khatam hone vala hai guys u dont know ab spiritual gurus bahar aa rhe hai guys jaago

Anonymous said...

guys gujarat mein kbhi mat ana yhaan suffocate krk maar denge gujarati log guys na aana

Anonymous said...

Hate to say this but you are so right and I am Gujju myse

Anonymous said...

Oh can't believe this that a gijju can also apologize this

Anonymous said...

Sorry ma'm u should not b included in these things .. it's people's genuine problem nd difficulty that they face from gujjus alright so u should not be commenting on these things as people can assume that it's ur drama or a gujjus drama to include in opposition party nd drama dance there nd go out

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with you, male and female both are so manipulative and it's so cleverly executed by both of them.
I experienced the same to same situations you pointed out.
And they spread negativity so cleverly and show them as victims.
Uffff! I had enough of them.
Now I confront them at the right exact moment in a subtle manner.

Anonymous said...

Is this all true? I am in a relationship with a Gujju guy. I am a filipina. I want to spend my life with him but i am now confused about what i have read now