Saturday, January 11, 2014

Diary of a Reluctant Feminist - Review

Baby is going through a divorce, but her Punjabi family would not hear any of it.  Denial that marriages sometimes don't work out and that love is an important part of a relationship forms the basis.

Having encountered something similar at close encounters, I'd say I could relate and understand a lot of what was written in the book.

Don't get me wrong, it is not an emotional saga of a struggle of a woman who wants her marriage to end because there is no love left between her and her husband.  It makes me laugh a couple of times and I could relate to a lot of part about being brought up by Indian parents with love, food and overwhelming guilt.

However, I wish the book said more about her relationship with her husband.  While she has anecdotal stories about her entire extended family, we hardly read anything about her husband.  Or ex husband.  When the theme of your book is getting divorce from the husband, I think the husband should've made some appearance in the narrative too.  Also, reasons on how they fell out of love, or generally, something more about the relationship that went sour would've added some more drama.

It read more like an extended blog than a book, but definitely good for light reading because the sticky subject of divorce in India does not emotionally drain you out.

Title: The Diary of a Reluctant Feminist
Author: Bhavna Bhavna
Rating: 2/5 
Courtesy: Flipkart. Click here to buy.
Price: Rs. 299 (currently Rs. 199)

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